Ferro Silicon Fine Screening
Llambec was approached by a company who produce Ferro Silicon for Densification purposes. Screening Ferro Silicon at micron sizes below 200 efficiently has always being a major problem resulting in Low capacities, efficiencies, and high maintenance costs. Llambec technology replaced the existing circular Motion Screens used in the industry and after lengthy trials, tests and modifications produced the very first Kinetic Driven Multi-Deck Sizing Screen now in operation in the Gauteng Province in South Africa. The units now in operation have the following specifications
Llambec Technology’s brief was to produce an innovative Screen which could improve on existing efficiencies, reduce recycle oversize , minimize oversize in undersize, be more maintenance friendly, lower power needed to drive unit and to dust enclose. The Kinetic Multi-Deck Sizer has achieved all these plus others not mentioned. Capacities are dependent on Screen width from 500mm wide to 2500mm . For more information on efficient Screening Dry or Hot Material from 6mm down to micron sizes contact the following
Process Design
Material Ferro Silicon (FeSi)
Feed Rate 1,5 to 3 Tph Depending on Efficiencies
Maximum Feed Size 2mm
Product Required Max 2% Minus 200 Micron in oversize recycled minimal % of Oversize in undersize product
Feed Temp Over 80° C
Oversize Return to circuit for re-work in Furnaces
Mechanical Design
Width 500mm Between Side Plates
Deck Length 1500 Totally Dust enclosed
Drive 1 Vibrator Motor 1,1Kw 100 % SA
Decks 3 off Top-350 Micron, 2nd Deck 300 Micron, Bottom Deck 250 Micron
Bonded Mesh Screening Frames Replaceable ± Half an Hour for 3 Decks.